You chose wisely if you did your traning daily routine and especially if this summer was the the beginning of a new healthier habits like running, cycling and swimming. Not only beginners, but also experienced exercisers often misjudge the intensity of exercise and this can lead to falling out of a “safe” aerobic regime.
Let’s repeat that it is the first two zones that bring the most health and well-being benefits. In the ZONA 1, we consume up to 50% of stored fat in the body (out of 100% of the energy needed to exercise). This regime therefore help to lose weight and reduce body fat, which for the vast majority of exercisers is the primary goal.
With this easy and fast intensity check out for beginners, you can quickly determine the intensity of the exercise you are performing.
Can you do during the exercise?
- “Talking and singing?” You are probably exercising very lightly and relaxed. Examples include random exercises like cleaning the house, walking to the store, walking up the stairs, etc. This is an aerobic exercise (light).
- “Talking but not singing?” This will probably moderate intensity. Examples include tempo running, water aerobics, cycling on a flat surface, tennis in pairs, hiking on a flat surface, etc. This is an mix between aerobic and anaerobic exercise (moderate).
- “Neither pleasant to talk nor to sing? You exercise hard at high intensity. Examples include strong running, fast swimming, tennis, cycling uphill or hiking uphill, etc. This is an anaerobic exercise.
Learn more about the advantages of all training zones and how to do efficient training in triathlon by joining the official Adriatic Coaching triathlon training camp this fall in Dalmacia-Croatia(25.9-1.10.2021). Suitable for beginners and experienced athletes who whant to know more from the experineced athletes and coaches.